CAS Number: 8002-43-5

E-Number: E222

EC Number: 232-307-2

Mol. Formaula: C35H66NO7P

Pack Sizes


25 Kilo Plastic Bag Option for Soya Lecithin 25 Kilo Poly Option for Soya Lecithin

What is Soya Lecithin?

Soya Lecithin is a lipid extracted from Soybean, commonly found as a yellow-brown fatty powder or solution. Its popularity lies in its amphiphilic nature, making it effective in binding to both water and fats. It is a powerful emulsifier, lubricant, and surfactant, making it a valuable addition to many applications compared to other food emulsifiers and being non-toxic to further add to its appeal.

Commercially produced Soya Lecithin is a mixture of phospholipids in oil obtained through the water degumming of soybean oil. Further processing depends on whether the final product is a powder or a liquid. Soya Lecithin solution is purified and kept as oil before packaging and dispatch. The oils are then dried and milled if required.

Soya Lecithin has various applications in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and industrial sectors. In the food industry, it is commonly used as an emulsifier in products like chocolates, spreads, and baked goods, combining ingredients that would otherwise separate. It also enhances texture and shelf life and is permitted for use in food products in the UK via the Food Standards Agency.

Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries use Soya Lecithin to stabilize and carry in various formulations. It is also used as an ingredient in hair and skin care products as it has emollient properties. In industrial applications, Soya Lecithin is used as a lubricant and in the manufacture of paints.

Soya Lecithin at Kilo Ltd.

Kilo, an accredited supplier, offers Soya Lecithin, a versatile and valuable product used by various UK and Irish businesses. You can conveniently receive it at your doorstep with competitive pricing, flexible volume options, and exceptional customer service.

We hope the information about Soya Lecithin helps you understand its worth and potential as an ingredient. If you need pricing or additional details or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kilo. You can reach us through a phone call on 01384 293 222, email, or the buttons on our website.

Industry Applications

Foods | Confectionary, Chocolate, Margerines, Baking, Cocoa BUtter, Cooking Sprays
Pharmaceutical | Encapsulated Medications, Dispersible Medicines, Intravenous Infusions
Industrial | Paints, Printer Inks, Metalworks, Lubricants

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This information is provided as a guide and is by no means legally binding. Suggestions on dosage rates, specific applications and anything else related to detailed quality information can be provided by our quality team or requested directly to our manufacturer.